
/co #bd5259

Greek name derived from the word neros "water," hence "wet one." In mythology, this is the name of a god of the sea.

o n e - h u n d r e d   and   f i f t y - t w o

nereus comes originally from frell ocean located on the other side of horse torn mountains.
for about a few years now, nereus has been living on land within nexxian city, blending in as a
normal civilian. with a bit of magic on his side, he is able to put a charm on his tail that transforms it into a
pair of human legs. his ears have also been charmed to look like a pair of normal human ears. however no
matter how hard he tries to figure a charm out to prevent it, his legs and ears will turn back as soon
as they get wet. because of this, nereus refuses to go outdoors whenever it is raining.

despite not being a fighter, nereus knows how to defend himself and the people he cares about.
he has a set of magic abilities he is able to do, some powerful while others are still new tricks he is
learning. he also has a few spells that are just fun little tricks for himself (such as the disguise charm).
the majority of his fighting abilities are water related. whenever nereus is in the water and within a
fight, his abilities become even stronger while submerged.

the red head is good natured and is more than willing to make friends rather than enemies. he will
do good onto you naturally, even if you haven't done good to him first, but any sign of bad intentions
and nereus will have none of it. he doesn't like to yell or seem mean, but he will stand up for himself
when the moment calls for it.

currently, nereus works for grand duchess jophiel by being her secretary. he is just thankful that he is not one
of the mermfolk that live within her giant aquarium tanks that are located in her office.

( master disguise )
a small charm that he first learned when he knew he wanted to be on land to explore the world
above. it is a simple charm that allows him to transform his tail into legs and also the tip of his ears to
look more like the tips of human ears.

( speaking fish )
one of the specialties that his race all seem to share is the ability to talk to anything sea life. often times
he will walk by places that have aquariums and say hello to the fishes, which earn him strange looks
when he stops and seems to have actual conversations with the fishes.

( water healing )
whenever nereus sports some pretty bad wounds, he tends to sneak into the local hot springs or
even use his own tub filled with water to heal himself. instead of the normal time it takes for people
to heal, nereus is able to use his magic to absorb the water he's submerged in and use it to heal
his body within an hour. however, the more severe his wounds are, the longer it takes for him to
heal himself.

( telekinetic manipulation )
also known as hydrokinesis. nereus is able to move water with his mind, as well as shape
it to a variety. the more humidity in the air, the better for him to use the molecules in the air whenever
he is not near an open source of water.

( shockwave effect )
this is an ability he can only preform while under water. using his previous listed ability to control
the water he is in and the combined movements of his arms, he can create shockwaves through
attack whatever target is ahead of him. the power behind this is mostly to knock his opponent(s)
back or to cause debris to crumble.

( *siren's song )
with this, nereus is able to sing a soft song-like sound that can entice a targeted being not too
far from him. sometimes, it does back fire on him in situations, and instead of attracting a person
towards himself, he could attract a wandering dog on the street nearby. the latter happens more
often when he has been drinking.

*note: when this move is attempted in a fight, i will do a coin toss to get a pass or fail, in
order to keep it a fair fight. i will also roll a dice to see how many turns it should last (1-3).

( banshee's shriek )
as the name says, this sound sounds like a banshee shrieking. nereus lets out an ear
shattering scream that stops his opponent in their tracks due to the pain inflicted on their
ears and brain. the shriek has several levels to it for the right situations. ranging from a soft
enough shriek to just momentarily stop a target to get himself away, all the way to a high pitch
harsh enough to shatter eardrums and leaving one deafened and in a severe amount of pain.

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